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A Streaming Online Course With Eugene Schwartz
Eleven Lectures plus Diagrams and a Video

Choose Any 12-Day Period
Fee: $200.00

In conjunction with the 150th anniversary of Rudolf Steiner’s birth, Eugene Schwartz created the first online exploration of Rudolf Steiner's life and work. His aim was to both deepen and broaden our understanding of Steiner’s contributions to the modern world. The result is a series of lectures that explore Steiner’s biography, the times in which he lived, and, above all, the significance of his path of inner development for the individual, for humanity, and for the future of the Earth. As we commemorate the 100th anniversary of Rudolf Steiner's death in March of 2025, his dynamic connection to our century and our Age is more vital than ever.
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Rudolf Steiner, 1900

Part 1:
The Nature of the Human Being

We look at the “fourfold” and “sevenfold” constitution of the human being as described and examined by Rudolf Steiner in myriad books and lectures. This group of lectures can serve as a foundation for exploring all of the other sections of this course.
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Rudolf Steiner, 1920

Part 2:
Fourfoldness in Time and Space

Each of our “higher members” has its own biography, its own path of incorporation, and its own “spatial” relationship to the physical body. We are not only a human being, but a human becoming, as well.
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Ita Wegman, 1924

Part 3:
The Spiritual Hierarchies

Although the Hierarchies are a mainstay of Christian theology and iconography, Steiner spoke of them as active in all world religions. His expansive picture of the activities of the hierarchical beings portrays their intimate and dynamic relationship to human life and evolution.
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Marie von Sievers (Steiner), 1900

Part 4:
Reincarnation and Karma

Rudolf Steiner felt that one of his most important tasks was to renew humanity’s understanding of reincarnation and karma, particularly in the light of Christianity. The picture he gives of repeated earth lives and the journey of the human soul and spirit between death and rebirth is markedly different from Eastern views of these events.
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Rudolf Steiner sculpts "The Representative of Man."

Part 5:
Life After Death

Steiner noted more than once that Anthroposophy came into being so that the dead could communicate with the living. Eschewing the sensationalistic “spiritualism” and séances of his day, Steiner lectured frequently about the journey of the soul and spirit through the spiritual world, and the ways in which the living could help shed light on their path.
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The statue after its assembly.

Part 6:
Evolution of the Earth and Humanity

Rudolf Steiner’s penetration of the concept of evolution lays the foundation for his teachings about history, Christology, and the genesis of evil. His metamorphosis of the evolutionary picture presented by Darwin and Ernst Haeckel led Steiner to a unique formulation of the way in which species, humanity, and the earth itself undergo ceaseless development and progress.
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Rudolf Steiner models the First Goetheanum.

Part 7:
Rudolf Steiner in His Time

Rudolf Steiner’s life not only exemplifies the very same seven and nine-year rhythms of which he spoke so often, but is also rich in seemingly irreconcilable polarities. This biographical study is the first one to place an emphasis on these polarities and the insightful ways in which Rudolf Steiner strove to harmonize them.
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The First Goetheanum, 1924.

Part 8:
The Path of Inner Development

Rudolf Steiner not only shared a great deal that he had discovered in his own spiritual research, but he also shared his methods, making it possible for anyone to “replicate” his investigations and findings. We look at aspects of this path in the light of Steiner’s own development and in the light of the conditions of our own time.
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Drawing of the stage of the First Goetheanum.

Part 9:
The Future of Anthroposophy

“The good [that men do],” Mark Antony tells us, “is oft interred with their bones.” Steiner’s life was a whirlwind of achievement and innovation, cut tragically short. What has lived on, and what is still unfolding? We look at Anthroposophy today and prognosticate about Anthroposophy in the future from a number of perspectives.
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The Second Goetheanum.

Part 10:
Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy

These three segments are especially directed to Waldorf teachers and parents, but will be of general interest as well.
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Waldorf-Astoria Cigarettes Pack, circa WW I.

Part 11:
Toxins and Teleology

In 2011, Eugene Schwartz was invited by Anthroposophy NYC to give a series of lectures commemorating Steiner's one hundred fiftieth birthday. This talk was the first in the series. Although the theme is the interwoven destiny of nicotine, alcohol, and Anthroposophy, the lectures extend a number of themes mentioned in earlier lectures in this course.
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Colored glass windows in the Second Goetheanum.

Part 12:
Diagrams and Videos

To accompany this course, Eugene has created a unique Interactive Timeline that places Steiner in the context of the age in which he lived. You can also access three "Dynamic Diagrams" that reflect something of the mobility of Steiner's conceptual framework, as well as He has also produced a remarkable video about the colored glass windows of the First and Second Goetheanums.
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Questions? Comments?


76 Grouse Hill Road
Barto, PA 19504

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapien platea morbi dolor lacus nunc, nunc ullamcorper. Felis aliquet egestas vitae, nibh ante quis quis dolor sed mauris. Erat lectus sem ut lobortis, adipiscing ligula eleifend, sodales fringilla mattis dui nullam. Ac massa aliquet.